Adama Industrial Park Generates 7.7 Mln Usd

ADAMA – Adama Industrial Park has generated 7.7 million USD in the current fiscal year while all of the factory sheds have been transferred to manufacturers, according to the park’s deputy executive manager.

The Deputy Executive Manager Gulilat Abebe told the media that the park is equipped with modern sheds built by the government and private firms and it is mainly used by textile and garment industries. The government built 19 sheds in the park whilst additional sheds were made by private manufacturing companies.

Gulilat further noted that construction of additional infrastructures is in progress and the park’s sewerage center is also nearing completion. Currently, the park has created 7,000 jobs.


One of the companies operating in the park, Antex Textile Manufacturing, takes the lead in employing 5,000 people.

Antex Assistant Manager Tigist Gemechu said that the company envisions to access the international market through utilizing its full capacity.